The GrainCorp Silos at Quirindi NSW were completed in December 2022 by artist Peter Ryan, who was assisted by Keira Sloetjes and Kate Rutter. Our guests pass by these amazing art works on the Golden West Rail Tour. The full story of the silo art work can be found here:
The Story of Quirindi
Text taken from the Australian Silo Art Trail website.
The art on the silo tells the story of the Liverpool Plains region (past, present and future). It was inspired by First Nations stories which tell how animals worked with the indigenous community as helpers and protectors.
The northern side of the silo features Yurrandaali, the tree goanna, totem of the Liverpool Plains traditional lands, who is the protector of the lands.
To the right, the grey Bandaarr Kangaroo stands tall as the wise knowledge holder, it would always be on the lookout and would sense any danger or troubles. It would hop off at great speeds to warn the other animals of the danger.