These COVID Safe Protocols provides you with an assurance that Vintage Rail Journeys have implemented procedures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope these allow you to travel with peace of mind in the current climate. Your health and wellbeing is our top priority and we continue to follow all guidelines as outlined by the NSW Health Department regarding COVID-19 over the course of our tours.
We will continue to conduct cleaning, sanitising and hygiene practices in all areas with particular emphasis on high touch points and hard surfaces.
Our trains, coaches and spaces are fully equipped with all that you will need, and we have additional cleaning products on board for our crew to meet the new and increased standards.
Our air-conditioning systems are subject to thorough checks and increased routine cleaning to ensure the freshest air circulation supplemented with fresh air options.
Physical distancing measures will be in place wherever practicable. We will apply physical distancing, considering both close and casual contact, for the recommended periods of time.
Where we cannot, the highest levels of cleaning and hygiene will be applied.
Off Train experiences have been designed to ensure appropriate space, cleanliness and hygiene whilst ensuring guests will still have a unique Vintage Rail Journeys experience.
Guests will be required to complete pre-travel ‘fit for travel’ screening and/or temperature checking.
We also ask that guests make their own self-assessment (or assessment in conjunction with a Doctor) prior to travel and ask that if you are unwell or have any flu-like symptoms, please do not travel.
During the tour there will also be an immediate and discrete response to any event where a guest or staff member becomes unwell.
We hope this gives you, and all fellow guests travelling,
an added level of assurance.
All staff have undertaken mandatory training and will provide a high level of sanitising and cleaning while maintaining exemplary service.
We are also confident in the COVID safe operations of our tour partners including buses and Off-Train Experience operators.
We are dedicated to your health and wellbeing and our teams will continue to monitor and manage our COVID Safe Protocols.